Our Mission
Watching Christ
Walking with Christ
Working with Christ
A Gospel-Centered Anglican Church,
Receiving & Sharing the Transforming
Love of Christ
All that we are and all that we do is a grateful response to the Good New of God’s unconditional love for the world in the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Our worship, our rhythm of life, our connection to the Christian family (both locally & globally) is rooted in Anglican way of following Christ.
Every Sunday, we hear the story of God’s love in Scripture, encounter the preaching of the Gospel, and approach the altar of God with open hands to receive the grace, forgiveness, mercy, and Presence of Christ. Open-handedly receiving God’s grace in worship, in our work, in our families, in every corner of our lives is the very posture of Christian discipleship.
We are committed to hospitatliy and holy neighboring in the name of Christ. From lifting up the whole world in prayer and reaching ou tot hose in need, to welcoming newcomers and walking together in a shared rhythm of life, the Good News of God’s Kingdom is too good to keep to ourselves!
We believe that the grace of God in Jesus is His unmerited favor upon broken humanity…and so much more! When we watch Jesus and receive our life from Him in worship, when we walk together with Him in prayer and share life, and when we join in the work of the Holy Spirit as He makes this world the very Kingdom of God, our entire life is transformed.